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It still feels pretty quick to be honest “We seemed competitive today; I don’t know how much more Mercedes and Ferrari and Williams have for tomorrow but seeing that the straight’s so long we were doing alright today” Even if Red Bull find themselves losing out down the 08 mile start finish straight Ricciardo reckons they’re making up time around the rest of the 27 mile lap Ricciardo said Red Bull were quicker than they’d anticipated “That’s helping us a lot Pretty much all the corners on the track suit us it’s just the one straight where I think we lose all our advantage” he said “All these tight twisty corners and the fast flowing esses in the middle I think they work to our advantage “I think we’re a little bit more competitive today than we thought we’d be but we’ll see what happens tomorrow” Conditions were slippery on Friday with a damp start to P1 spots of rain during the afternoon and all on a resurfaced track that proved a handful even in dry conditions Then we’ll open it up for question and answer. like the endless summer. So in the near future.
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