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And we’re ecstatic about our involvement and we look forward to participating again next year, The best I can give is that ultimately we trust our spouses because With this way the plug can work well again The second is cable plug; actually it can cause the car will not running well Usually this is caused by dirt on the terminal cable to the plug or because the cable that has broken And this problem usually happens in the car that using the cable plug from the hemp rope Then distributor contact it may cause some problems in vehicles such as the engine suddenly turns off when you switched the front lamp or light of the lamp will be dimmed These problems can be caused by the gap that doesn’t fit the rules of distributor Damage in the distributor contact can also be caused by the decreasing quality of the condenser it can cause the surface perforated If you already feel the symptoms you should immediately bring the car to workshop The fourth is battery if the engine difficult to start even motor starter can’t rotate well this is caused by the rusty battery terminal full of dirt and the ties not tight To solve the problem is by using hot water pour on the9%) and midsize SUVs (down 11.

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